Dr. Cindy Holman
Seeking Kingdom strategies from the heart of the Father to bring clarity, blessing, and breakthrough.

Educatior, Author and Consultant
Welcome to my website! It is my hope that you will encounter the extravagant love of God, find freedom from the effects of living in a broken world, and step into the purpose and destiny that God created you for. Dare to believe that He loves you – it will change your life!
As a prophetic teacher, Cindy brings a unique perspective to her writing. Her goal is to present New Covenant truths in a way that all people can understand and apply them to their lives. Her books for adults are practical and easy to follow, as they guide you to a new level in your walk with God. Her children's books are designed to lay a strong foundation for the next generation, encouraging them to embrace the love of the Father and hope in Jesus Christ.
A Consultation consists of a one-on-one, 30-45 minute conversation on Zoom, FaceTime, or over the phone. Cindy will ask strategic questions to help you get to the root of an issue and/or a key to advancement in the area you request. You may be given homework, such as forgiveness, seeking inner healing, creating a plan, etc.
Although Cindy is prophetic, this session is not inner healing ministry, life coaching, a prophetic word, or a futuristic reading.

About Cindy
Cindy Holman is a writer, teacher, psalmist, and prophet. With a strong passion to share the true heart of love the Father has for His children, she speaks the truth in a way that will help you find your true identity in Him. She has a doctorate from Wagner Leadership Institute, and a Masters’ Degree in Reading and Language Arts. She taught young children for 30 years, and has a unique view of what it means to be childlike. Cindy has been certified as a Prophetic Consultant and Teacher through Keith Ferrante’s ministry, Emerging Prophets. Her gentle voice holds an authority that flows from Heaven when she sings, and she is most at home in a place of prayer and worship in communion with God.

And you did not receive the “spirit of religious duty, "leading you back into the fear of never being good enough. But you have received the “Spirit of full acceptance,”enfolding you into the family of God. And you will never feel orphaned, for as he rises up within us, our spirits join him in saying the words of tender affection, “Beloved Father!” For the Holy Spirit makes God’s fatherhood real to us as he whispers into our innermost being, “You are God’s beloved child!”